Wilfred and the Chairman of the Physics Department at the University of Liberia, Dr. Bobby Sebo
We envision a Liberia where every child would have a qualified teacher in the classroom, regardless of where their schools are located.
We equip teachers to thrive. We break barriers that hinder teaching and learning outcomes.
The key word “IMPACT” serves as the compass for our mission.
I - Integrity. We live with high standards of personal and collective honesty to the communities we serve.
M- Motivation. We are motivated by the challenges that hinders teaching and learning outcomes. We bring innovation and creativity to
the "table" to address these challenges. We will fail, we learn and grow.
P - People. We believe the people we interact and work with are our highest assets. So, we strive to serve them with our best.
A - Actions. We act boldly. We care about the results of our actions.
C- Communicate. We communicate what we do to our stakeholders. Communication is a form of accountability to the way we
accomplish our mission.
T - We treat our communities and partners with respect. We consider their interests, views and contributions in the design and
implementation of our program.